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Linux Magazine 2023 Digital Archive
This Digital Archive includes all 12 Linux Magazine issues published in 2023.
You get PDF versions of all the issues (#266 to #277) – perfect for research, finding tips and tricks, or reading a specific article one more time.
Issues Include:
Linux Magazine #266: Generative Adversarial Networks
Linux Magazine #267: Backup
Linux Magazine #268: Data Poisoning
Linux Magazine #269: The Fediverse
Linux Magazine #270: Green Coding
Linux Magazine #271: Smart Home
Linux Magazine #272: Open Data
Linux Magazine #273: Podcasting
Linux Magazine #274: The Best of Small Distros
Linux Magazine #275: Think Like an Intruder
Linux Magazine #276: ChatGPT on Linux
Linux Magazine #277: Low-Code Tools
DVD contents are not available with the digital version of the magazine.